pull out banner pens

If you are planning your marketing with pull out pens, but not sure what to include?

As you know pull out pens offer a great template that includes far more visual information than a regular ballpoint pen, but how can you make that work for you? If you’r wondering “What can I advertise on my pull out pens?” . Pulloutpens.com team have been in this promotional products industry for more than 15 years, there are some great ideas that can help your pens stand out.

Always remember, the most useful the information is, the more likely potential clients will be hang on to the pen for as long as possible — and that means they’ll be building familiarity and appreciation for your brand.

1. New products photo
Images speak louder than words. If you have new products to launch recently, put then on pull out banner. This is half of our clients do when then order pull out pens from us. New products photo are always most effective way to impress your customers’ brain.

2. Technical Instructions
Do you have a complicated product that can be difficult to fully master? Include detailed technical instructions on your pull out pens. You even have room to include a diagram that will help highlight useful facts. This especiall useful for pharmaceutical industry and hi-tech products.

3. Maps
Whether you’re creating a map for a trade show or event, designing a map of a local university, or showing people how to find your location, maps can be a great way to convince customers to hold on to your pen and use it regularly.

4. Safety Messages
Many products include specific safety guidelines for appropriate use. Others appropriate safety messages might include information about performing the Heimlich maneuver, rescuing someone from drowning, or appropriate behavior in a particular area or at an event. This is usually combined with production photo on face side banner and safety messages on back side on pull out banner.

5. Calendars
Have a calendar of great events related to your industry that are coming up over the next several weeks or months? Your pull out pen is a great place to include information about those events for all of your clients. A list-style feature makes it easy to look straight at the event that matters most. Calendars are also useful for places with seasonal openings and closings or different hours based on the time of year.

6. Things to Remember
Are there fast facts that would benefit people in your target audience, but which they might often forget? From including a “what to pack” list for people traveling for business to offering a list of quick tips for families taking young children to restaurants, your “things to remember” pen can be the most-used item in your clients’ purses.

7. Timetables, Schedules
When you’re at an event, knowing what happens when is critical. Including a timetable in your pen will help all of your guests keep that information close, where they can check it quickly and easily.

8. Quick Reference Guides
Quick reference guides are a great way to make your pen invaluable to your potential audience. Offer fast facts, a mini instruction manual, or other information that they’ll appreciate long after they leave the event.

9. Detailed Product and Service Information
Do you want your customers to be able to get in touch with you quickly and easily? Are you trying to promote a new product? Is there specific information you’d like to share about the services you’re offering? All of that information will fit easily on your pull out pens.

10. Branding
What is your brand’s story? What sets your brand apart? From the tale behind your unique logo to an origin story that will increase your customers’ loyalty and appreciation, the stories that make up your brand are perfect for including on your pull out pen.

Your retractable pull out pen is the perfect advertising tool. Most pens have room for you to share just a few quick snippets of information about your business: often a name and a phone number, maybe a single additional line of text at best. On your pull out banner pens, however, you’ll be able to include all the information that potential clients need in order to use the pen on a regular basis–and they’ll use it for more than just scribbling the occasional note.

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